Top 4 Trends in Office Space

The modern office environment is in constant change, shaped by office design trends as well as by economic factors. Here are some of the most important trends that influence how offices are used and configured:

  • The incorporation of remote work – many companies that switched to remote work at the beginning of the pandemic are now returning to traditional Denver Tech Center office space, but many of them adopt a different approach to office work, developing a hybrid setting, with team members coming to the office on certain days of the week and working from home on others;

Denver Tech Center office space

  • Changes to ensure health and safety – office design now must incorporate elements and solutions that ensure the health and safety of office teams. Some examples are the implementation of plastic shields and desk distancing;
  • Outdoor offices – the solution is not available for all companies, but the businesses in climate areas that allow for working outside are embracing the option;
  • Unassigned desks – this trend started before the pandemic and it is likely to be an important one after the pandemic as well. The idea is to do away with personal work spaces and to let people choose the work station that they want to use during the day based on their current task.