The pandemic has radically transformed office work, with many, if not most, office workers having switched to remote work. The setting has proven beneficial for many businesses, with many CEO’s having already made the decision to continue remote work, while others can hardly wait to get their office teams back in premises. Here are some of the most important features of in-office work that companies have been missing during the lockdowns, and why you should look for affordable office space for rent in Denver today:
- In-person collaborations improve creativity – people can inspire each other in the office, helping each other solve problems more efficiently than through remote communication;
- Better organization – remote work has proven to encourage productivity, but in many cases, that increased productivity comes with risks, too. When people work from their offices, they spend a particular amount of time working, then they switch their mind off work. With home office work, the workday never ends and for many that can lead to mental as well as physical exhaustion and, eventually, burnout. The decision to return to the office is, for many CEO’s and management teams, motivated by the need to limit the time that their employees spend working;
- More efficient problem solving – while video conferencing platforms are great tools, they lag in terms of efficient problem solving. When a problem comes up, it is easier to ask key people to meet in an office to get the problem sorted out than to call a video conference, invite everyone, manage the replies, get on the platform of choice and discuss the issue.