Today, more than ever, it is very clear that the protection and promotion of safety and health at work are of paramount importance to workers, companies, social protection systems and society as a whole. In the context of the pandemic, employers are trying to identify the best ways to ensure a safe and healthy environment for their workers, when they return to work.
Many companies have already reorganized their work so that some employees work from home, or from working spaces that allows them to maintain social distance. In addition, wearing masks in the office is very important to stay safe, as well as having sanitation areas (equipped with disinfectants and hand washing options designed to be used frequently).
Executive suites Denver office rental professionals confirm that other safety measures include:
- ensuring the epidemiological triage, for staff and visitors alike, at the control-access points
- mandatory disinfection of hands before entering the office
- monitoring the way staff respect the rules designed to stay safe and protect the others
- Postponing the work schedule, for businesses with more than 50 employees, so that the beginning and the end of the work shift is made at intervals of 1 hour, in tranches of at least 20 % of staff